Matrix Calculator: Complex Matrices & Linear Systems

Explore our complex matrix calculator, a powerful tool for matrix calculations and solving systems of linear equations. It supports matrices, including augmented matrices of any mxn size, with real or imaginary numbers as their elements (also called entries).

One Interface for All Matrices

This innovative matrix & linear system solver features a single dynamic interface which can be used to enter multiple matrices including augmented matrices representing systems of linear equations.

Basic and Advanced Matrix Operations

Apart from the basic operations of matrix addition, matrix subtraction, and matrix multiplication, you can use our matrix calculator to perform matrix algebra simultaneously with multiple matrices. This matrix calculator is unique in its ability to evaluate matrix expressions, involving up to eight matrices, such as: A + ABC - inv(D) where matrices can be of any compatible size mxn (m by n).

Moreover, for mxm square matrices like 2x2, 3x3, 4x4 matrices you can use our matrix solver to calculate:

  • Matrix determinant
  • Matrix inverse
  • Matrix adjugate

Additionally, you can compute the following for any matrix, real or complex:

  • Matrix rank
  • Matrix reduced row echelon form (RREF)
  • Upper and lower triangular forms
  • Matrix Transpose

Solve Systems of Linear Equations

This augmented matrix calculator seamlessly solves linear systems of equations using Gaussian elimination. It performs row operations on augmented matrices, reducing them to a form where solutions can easily be identified. As a powerful linear system solver, it can handle augmented matrices which can be complex matrices too.

Linear System

Instructions for our matrix calculator