Instructions for Our Graphing Software

Our graphing calculator can easily graph functions, equations, parametric curves and point sets. Simply type the expression into any expression box, and the software will automatically detect the type of expression and generate the graph in real-time (default) using the Cartesian or Polar coordinate systems. You can easily switch between them by selecting/deselecting the Polar checkbox. The software is designed to automatically adjust the variables according to the expression type and coordinate system, so you don't have to worry about which variable (x, y, t, or θ) to use.

Our graphing software is designed to be intelligent and user-friendly. When you enter a function using x as its variable, the expression label will automatically display "f(x) =" or "f(θ) =", depending on the selected coordinate system. If your expression contains an equal sign ("="), the software will switch to equation mode and display "Eq:" in the expression label. If your expression contains both commas and semicolons, the software will switch to points mode and display "x, y;" or "r, θ;", depending on the coordinate system. If your expression contains a comma, the software will switch to parametric mode and display "p(t) =" in the expression label, replacing all x's in the expression with t's. If you delete the comma, the software will switch back to function mode and replace all t's with x's or θ's, depending on the coordinate system. To see these changes, simply click anywhere on the calculator.

Tips - As you type:
  • pi is replaced by π,
  • inf (infinity) is replaced by , and
  • ..t is replaced by θ. Also see Syntax.

To graph piecewise defined functions or piecewise defined parametric curves type in each piece with the corresponding subinterval as a single function or single parametric expression.

The quickest way to type dom=(0, 2π) or dom=(-∞, ∞) is by deleting the domain entirely, including dom=.

Note: Our graphing software allows you to use numerical expressions, such as π or 1+√(2), wherever you can use a literal number. This includes, for example, when specifying coordinates of a point, domain end-points, axis labels, or angles.

Remark: It's important to note that the values of trigonometric functions depend on the angle mode selected. As a result, the graphs of expressions containing trigonometric functions will, as expected, differ when changing from RAD mode (default) to other modes.

MosuseMatics! This interactive graphing software, which utilizes the most sophisticated Cartesian and polar coordinate systems, allows you to use your mouse to perform unique operations, as outlined below:

  • Click on or near an axis and move your mouse to rotate the axis. The graphs are re-drawn to reflect the rotated axes. Click again to release the axis.
  • Hold down the Alt key and click on an axis to change the scale (zoom in one direction). The point that was clicked will be labelled "1" (or "-1") and becomes the new unit for that axis.


  • Drag the mouse to move the coordinate system and the graphs together.
  • Double-click on the canvas to move the origin to the location where you clicked.

Interesting curves: You can graph any of the expressions under Interesting Graphs by clicking on it. To get the best results, you may need to select Graph Fineness as +1 or higher.

You can access the following options by clicking on the ⚙ (gear) button located in the top right corner of the graph canvas: